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Antique Lincoln Slip Shade Wall Sconces. Up to 4 Pair available. Priced per pair

Item Code: WAL20121124001
Price: $795.00
Year : 1930-1940
Stock images, up to 4 pair available, priced per pair. Please confirm availability of multiple pairs.
These vintage slip shade wall sconces come from one of the most popular series of antique Lincoln Manufacturing lighting fixtures, the "Fleurette" line, produced from the late '20s through the mid '30s and sold through dealers and mail order houses like Sears.
These have been refinished to match the finish and patina found on existing fixtures today. The refinishing process was developed as a result of several requests to refinish these so they do not look refinished, which according to our customers, we've succeeded in doing: they are not glossy, the finish is not exactly uniform, the colors are muted and warm, no jarring or odd looking colors, and yet the body still has its luster shining through. Just what you would expect them to like after 80 years on a wall.
The stylized deco flowers in the shade give it the refinement and elan necessary to grace any style home today.
Height: 12 1/2 inches
Width: 6 inches
Projection: 5 inches

We also have matching ceiling fixtures as seen in the last images
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